Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi Day 4

Published on December 8, 2019

Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi Day 4

Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi Day 4

A Sonnet

Sri Aurobindo

An improbable miracle is planted here,
Housed in living flesh of lower hemisphere.
What the Rishis strove for and attempted,
By His vast incalculable labour did beget.

The varied methods of Prakriti were borne,
Traversed in a solar day the curve of an aeon.
The boon giving gods follow His trail,
Compelled to collaborate by His example.

He dwarfed the titan in His labours,
Packed eternity in His mortal hours.
His being held innumerable immensities,
Of power and knowledge and verdant destinies.

Rise O Man, to thine own spiritual destiny,
For He was and is here leading thee to eternity.

Note: Offered to Sri Aurobindo by us, Kali’s Brood and Murli R, on the 4th day of His shedding the physical sheath to hasten and make feasible the descent of the Supramental in the Physical, this day of 8th December 2019.