O Fire

Published on October 13, 2018

O Fire

O Fire

A Sonnet

Courtesy — Nicholas Roerich

Hush now feeble flame I shall feed thee yet
Here are my desires and all I did beget.
Thou must devour all that I am and do
Don’t fret there is much yet to undo.

Thou didst singe me not so long ago
But now thou art too dear to forego.
O Flame, purifier of all that Time made
Lure by flame-tongue all that lurks in shade.

Bathe me in flame-waters like that lone Sire
Range in wide winding ways and abolish fear.
O Fire, Traveller-Priest, sound thy flame-chant
In our abysmal deeps thy flame-seed do plant.

Swaddle us then O Fire like an infant god
And deliver us to the Mother and earn a nod!

PS: Our humble offering to the Divine Mother, on day 4 of Navratri 2018.