
A Sonnet

Published on October 31, 2017



A Sonnet

Vritra[1] invades minds, poisoning our roots
All thought grinds, yields bitter fruits.
Our wills are feeble, no upbearing Tapas
Hemmed by ill-will, hard to surpass.

Our dreams are pale, words without lustre
Our speech is stale, acts hollow gesture
Our music mere sound, no revealing rhythm 
Out earth mere ground, no stage for Rtam[2] .

Dawn to us O Mother, weave us anew
Truth words gather, stitch a being true.
Beyond creation’s rim, upon a mystic Swan
By Thy Veena’s strum, is the luminous Seer born.

Mother Muse, Supreme Word and Vak divine 
Descend to us, unshackle Thy shining kine[3].

[1] Vrita — “Great obstructors & upholders of limitation”
[2] Rtam — The Right Consciousness. Of the triple “Satyam, Rtam and Brhat”, or “Truth of Being, Truth in Action, Truth proceeding from Infinite”. 
[3] Kine — Cows of Dawn. Symbol of luminous knowledge dawning upon and within the aspirant.

Note: All Vedic symbol interpretation is from Secret of the Veda by Sri Aurobindo.