A Rumination

Published on December 6, 2023

A Rumination

A Rumination

Poem — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #100

“Ah, the misty gaze flees by a severe sun
And mine scenes stand stripped of fancies;
Crimson lust of youth and wanton belligerence,
Spired tops of thought wrought from fortified mind,
Heart’s ardour spun into groves of passion,
And deeds that marked the cycles of human years;
All appear faded, worn as if mere appearance,
Like a dreamer deems an unreal reverie real.
What remains of substance, some meaningful sum
From all the silvering years and wrinkling labours?
Poor account this for heaven’s sifting eye,
A disjointed essay from a novice’s hand
Wanting theme, lucid expression lacking,
Absent flair or a daub of decorum,
Only an uneven grey poorly stitched.
Yet, the azure must bear a merciful sun
Lest the blue expanse forget to lend hope
And earthly ways subside into murmur and silence.”