
Poem — An Invocation to The Master #138

Published on September 24, 2021



Poem — An Invocation to The Master #138

What is all thy brilliances O sun flamboyant,
Strutting thy rays like a peacock of the sky,
Too proud of a single glory thou always wert 
Singing thy own praise there upon high.

Thy glow but borrowed splendour O moon,
Suffusing shallow hearts with a drop of calm,
Whispering inanities to a lover’s pain,
O mar-faced sphere, home of vain dream.

What are thy mysteries O self-withholding night,
Thou art only mute like the unthinking stone,
Making thy sterile silence seem wisdom’s light
Shining from thy bowels like a black sun!

But Him, my soul’s own home long foregone,
Where dwells splendour in a celestial calm,
All meaning and wisdom and glory divine,
And marvellous source of the world’s theme.

Learn from Him O agencies beneficent conduct,
Who holds without stir all that is magnificent.