Impostor Sun
Published on November 22, 2023
Impostor Sun
Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #86
What inversion prevails in this aspiration’s phase
As if my meagre world to unknown end upturned,
All learned manner of packed five score years
Weighs meaningless beside an ungainly clod.
An impostor sun at dawn o’er horizon creeps
Deceiving life with light that reveals to hide
All the rude excess that springs ill surprise
As if gloating, “Here, by this too be betrayed!”
Unto me the moon is no illuminer of nights,
Leasing flame from that impostor named
Brews putrid wine in the darkened hours
And deems my body a chalice to sup its yield.
O bring back the ray-maned hero and the counsel moon,
This impostor and henchman will wither me much too soon.