Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #351
Published on May 8, 2022

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #351
Oh why dost Thou come to garbed thus
With chagrin and contempt and derision,
Must it always be so sullen the story of us,
Our pairing birthed with ire and scorn?
Where hides Thy better plots, the happy themes,
When man the mortal meets Thee the immortal,
Oh the splendours to be born by our unions
On every plane of being unfolding a spectacle!
Oh keep me not bitter through the long years,
Starve not the heart of its long due passion,
Why else must Thou cast me from gloried dreams
Or plant in my heart-mire a seed all golden?
Oh raise this clay-born to Thy blessed feet,
Then shall our story be wondrously complete!