Chide Not

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #310

Published on March 28, 2022

Chide Not

Chide Not

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #310

How charming are the hours that arrive,
Each a specimen that overtly highlights
All that the human species can contrive 
To make of simplicity a blessed mess!

How pleasing are the wills that hope
To cure the hours of their pressing load,
By squinted minds they fervently grope
And leave a tangle on a straight road!

Is this how Thou doth consider me,
Thy pristine will and my presumptions,
A daft apprentice sans any subtlety 
To mar the artistry of Thy makings?

Oh chide not my persistent imperfections,
By me Thou hast relief from luminous excesses!