Our Pairing

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #291

Published on March 9, 2022

Our Pairing

Our Pairing

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #291

How apt is this our pairing,
One immaculate and other aspiring,
A never-born and an ever-born,
A perpetual night and a forever morn!

One pouring excesses in a star
And other holding station as a pauper,
One all the Truth and radiant
And other merely dull and deviant!

But wither justice in this scheme,
All the pleasant is Thine and mine only harm,
Thou wilt soar with excess wings 
And I must keep to my stumbles?!

Unfair this game Thou playest with me,
Priming my losing for Thy victory eternally!