I Know Not

Published on March 13, 2023

I Know Not

I Know Not

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #70

Courtesy Midjourney

Did I spurn Thee in some lives past
Reclining haughty on a seat of hubris,
Overlooked Thy urgings in some haste
Born by the eggings of rebelling senses?

Did I turn from Thee mind and body away
Caught in frenzied fever of the matter-born,
My offerings to a black daemon did lay
And bowed to the dark eclipsing Thy sun?

Did I mount some fiery aspiration-car
And deem myself worthy of Thy feet,
Counted proudly every sacrifice’s scar
And inflated sum of my being’s merit?

Perchance a hundred lives to night’s victory given,
But I have wrested this life for Thy victory alone.