Battling Iron
Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #271
Published on February 17, 2022

Battling Iron
Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #271
Is this how Thou didst in Thy body gain
That unhuman sheen like living gold,
Was it only application of relentless pain
That made thee appear a veritable god?
My prosaic rock is now lightly gleaming
Like a pebble smooth tormented by waves,
My mind and body and life by battering
Have acquired now the hint of a gloss.
Methought Thy methods might be subtle
To mould for men a future all golden,
But now I learn that Thy method celestial
Is to have our lives integrally beaten!
I sought a tryst with Thee in Brindavan,
But Thou comest always in Thy battling iron!