Mysterious Intent

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #267

Published on February 13, 2022

Mysterious Intent

Mysterious Intent

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #267

Now that churn of heights is done
And nothing to impede yet remains,
Thou hast dredging of deeps begun 
And all my surface bubbles and brims.

Below and behind the body’s veil 
Thou doth conduct without ceremony 
Action of Thy force on matter and cell
And I dwell in a helpless faux serenity.

Through all I keep the humdrum note,
For who can fathom these turns
Twixt the deep and the superconscient 
Scarring my body with dug up grooves.

Am a dangling dew-drop in Thy will caught,
To linger or fall is all in Thy mysterious intent.