It Was Decreed

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #236

Published on January 3, 2022

It Was Decreed

It Was Decreed

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #236

Must our colloquies then abrupt end
When so many mysteries remain veiled yet,
Are there no ideals that are laggard
And must venture to reality’s forefront?

Hast Thou resorted to Thy reluctant ways
When over long years Thou wert silent,
But now am ripened to all Thy methods
And shall wait sure without lament.

Why must I rue Thy brief absence
Or bemoan Thy little excursion 
Into the respite of infinite space 
When Thou art inevitably mine.

It was decreed that it must be thus
When Thou didst cast my soul amidst the stars.