Uncommon Throne

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #204

Published on December 2, 2021

Uncommon Throne

Uncommon Throne

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #204

Must I like a petty heart take offence 
When in long years Thou remainest silent,
Though my entreaties grown immense
Like a forest blaze in a fiery lament.

My persuasions have fallen on earth-roads
Returned from the portal of Thy door,
No welcome found they in long years,
Colder the mood there than harsh winter!

But yet, am inflamed by Thy denials,
Thy silence fuels my sublime passion,
My heart sanctum still empty remains 
Awaiting Thy feet to take possession.

A pedestal is herein unlike any in heaven,
Take seat in my heart, Thy uncommon throne!