Arcane Time

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #202

Published on November 30, 2021

Arcane Time

Arcane Time

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #202

Am I a priest of an arcane time forgotten
Dabbling with hymns in alien tongues,
Rites I perform even to myself so foreign,
I muse and ponder as to my purpose.

The ill I evade and the error I shun
Pursue me like a fond beloved loyal,
I lug my being in this twilight unknown
Towards Thee beyond this unreal.

The alarm and danger and persistent woe
Shadow my tread through wake and sleep;
What part in myself harbours this foe,
Who in me this contract does keep?

My being like a Sphinx is all a question,
Awaiting its answer by Thy impulsion.