Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #111
Published on August 27, 2021

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #111
How many dawns hast Thou harboured for me
Behind that horizon line like a miraculous wand?
How much ardour wilt Thou pour so free
Upon the canvas sky for me to comprehend?
How dost Thou conjure in mere human breast
Joy untrammelled at utterance of Thy name?
How doth my mortal lips call Thee blest
From this province of night that is my home?
Of all Thy miracles this I cherish the most,
Thy name dancing in my clod O blessed Sun!
What shame can dull my soul’s revel-bright
For it is Thou who seest as the Many and One!
When all is done cherish my soul O Love,
It’s for Thee I labour in this earthly groove.