O Soul
Poem — An Invocation to The Master #85
Published on August 2, 2021
O Soul
Poem — An Invocation to The Master #85
O soul, what a vain adventurer art thou,
Choosing joy and danger of human life,
Purchasing by birth a body’s car new
To ride the roads of gladness and strife.
Dost thou tire of too much light O soul,
Seeking twilight to shade thine eyes?
Does heaven’s wisdom grow in time stale,
That thou doth sip sap of ignorance?
Dost thou grow weary of haloed realms,
The aloof conduct of conductors of earth?
Are there no splendours in ascending ways
That thou descendest for this feeble mirth?
Or didst a dispute drive thee here,
Some subtle argument irreconcilable?
Didst He by averting gaze thee ignore
And thou too petulant to let go thy foible?
Oh ethereal fool, knowest thou not the law,
Neither in heaven nor earth is found
The high alchemy of becoming sans flaw,
For beneath His feet is Truth’s firm ground.
Save me O soul from thy adventurous whim,
Ferry me forthwith to the feet of Him.