Of What Worth

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #77

Published on July 25, 2021

Of What Worth

Of What Worth

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #77

Keep O serpent thy glistening treasures
Of diamonds and rubies, opal and pearl,
Guarding jealously the cherished measures
To perpetuate endlessly thy abject rule.

Thy djinns placing no limit to thy gluttony
Entrench thy hunger’s web everywhere,
In commerce and science is thy formulary
Mining many spoils from human despair.

But mine is a perennial fount within,
A stream of descending light divine,
It heeds not my mood or disposition,
Suffuses my being ever with benediction.

Of what worth are all thy treasures to me,
For I sup the light-streams from His eternity!