To Thee

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #76

Published on July 24, 2021

To Thee

To Thee

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #76

A single birth is oft celebrated in swirls of sun,
The magic motion conducting the drift of time,
The miracle of soul in body and a life begun,
Marking a phase of the spirit’s eternal rhyme.

A twin birth is rare, by an earth-womb the body,
And a difficult high birth of soul heaven issued,
Them the twice-born world declares emphatically,
Who by earth rain and heaven light stand nourished.

But Thou, oh how many births hath Thou crammed
For me in the meagre length of five score years,
An hour a year, a year a life, a life in a second!
Oh who or what tongue can of Thee ever express!

Sages there have been, of modest wisdom,
Seers who have ventured wide dominions,
But Thou art from that transcendent home
Even Thy sliver bears a reckless excess!

How hath Thou bound me with a single word,
Thy sentence a laborious charter for many lives,
Even by acute striving I yet linger in Thy prelude,
Oh how marvellously extend each Thy expanses!

Today, I remember the day to my mind undated
When seated at Thy feet Thou me initiated.

Obeisance O Master, our Lord and Sire and Guru,
May we for all coming time to Thy purpose be true.