Trail’s End
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #40
Published on June 13, 2021

Trail’s End
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #40
In Thy pursuit I have spent my valour
Sifting cues from an inarticulate night,
Fruitless years of this long endeavour
Now at last bears a strange fruit.
I am settled on Thy silences unending
For am emptied of words just as Thee,
My silence and Thine could be meeting
For a wordless occult colloquy.
My demands have fled and knowings read,
Thy silence all wisdom outweighs,
I uprooted all passions that were bred,
A long gestation’s change is all this.
At the trail’s end when we must meet,
Grant O Sire a repose by Thy feet.