A Plea

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #164

Published on October 23, 2021

A Plea

A Plea

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #164

The days pass as the ages must
Yearning and striving and wailing
To the surest end into the dust
Unmindful of ache and tears brimming.

Who will judge the unconsoled tear,
Who assuage the lacerated heart,
Who of gods or daemons a kindly ear
Can lend to pause this ruin complete?

Oh, were mine morrows all as today
Why the expense of dawn and dusk,
Why compel star and globe in orbit to stay
If all sums only a naught do make?

Too subtle Thy purpose, too far Thy ends,
Pity us on this lonely globe perambulating space.