Heed O Goddess

Published on April 10, 2021

Heed O Goddess

Heed O Goddess

Poem — An Invocation to The Mother #1

A growing assemblage of fervent hearts
Gathering in woods deep-hearted and rivers
That sombre flow chanting a liquid hymn,
A scene resembling a wide-pondering dream
Took shape in that age like an unrolled canvas,
Turning all eyes upward by an occult compass,
Upon each lip borne an urgent pleading prayer,
“Heed, heed these times that lives doth sunder,
The foe who by thought can multiply,
Who by malevolent science by breath can fly.
Moth-eaten are our hours, shackled our hearts,
Oh as prayers they admit not our pilgrim tears. 
Heed, heed O Goddess, O Mother beyond empyrean,
Our eyes to gaze at Thy abode now forbidden,
Oh, send O Mother to us Thy children an aid
Loud like thunder with lightening as shield.
O leave us not to the cave and hearth,
Constrain us not to terms of human birth.
Thine we are, as Thee we must act and move,
Thy rays we are and must as Thee prove,
The peril by Thy force must be ended.
We by our wills prostrate and surrendered
Invoke Thy gaze upon our sordid fields.
Grace us Goddess with boons auspicious,
Render our days immune to this harm,
Efface this foe making malevolence as norm.
Be Thou O Goddess rescuer from the precipice,
Be Thou our General in our wars in this abyss.”