O Deliverer


Published on February 8, 2021

O Deliverer

O Deliverer


What hast Thou done, whence have my vagrances
Departed? The cherished confusions all disappeared
Leaving me friendless and alone with my clarities,
I braced for Thy storms but now they have all ended.

What hast Thou done, where the bleak winter
That withered my being’s bark and branch,
This sudden spring that blossoms sans error,
My all being in a sweet melody does drench.

What hast Thou done, where are all the knots
That confounded my being in profuse confusion,
Now are sun-kissed all the passing moments
Bearing my deeds nearer to that far perfection.

O Deliverer, what happy borders do I stand on,
When didst Thou sunder the limits most human?