Who Art Thou


Published on March 25, 2021

Who Art Thou

Who Art Thou


Who art Thou burdening my heart with anguishes,
And decorating my hours with sorrow’s flowers?
What cares hast Thou on my forehead wrought,
Brooding like destiny on its victim to be caught?

Here in this shore of time when all have embarked
On the pleasant fleet towards lands happy-fated.
And I, left moored to bear burden of wailing shores
And the helpless grief of a lost moon’s silver-tears.

What new dire parable hast Thou of me conceived,
What new maxim perilous by me must be exampled?
What use a laurel that crowns a marble likeness,
To speak in statue silence some future to impress?

Become Thou a living power in the heart of me
And not a worshipped figure in the temple of memory!