

Published on January 28, 2021




Pray tell Divine Sire, where in this wobbling spire
Lurks precariously Thy winning wisdom too shy,
Upon a haphazard foundation erected this tower
That now sways so precariously keen to die.

By what dull counsel posited the soul here below,
In this fragile casement of flesh so earth bound,
This feeble breath that only to earth does flow
Leaning to downward gravity of solid ground.

What caprice led Thee to helm the soul by mind,
This jester crude in the wide courts of life
Juggling, stuttering to please an audience blind,
Throwing the hour’s harmony in constant strife.

Oh why must Thou lack for space in infinity,
Why this makeshift stage propped in our heart
For Thy indulgences into sorrow and tragedy
Casting our unwary lives into a cold art.

Yet O Sire, there is such a fiery allure
In Thy flaming fire-bird that sweeps below
With litanies from a hundred tongues pure
Beckoning sweetly to its light-trail follow.

So we lift the yoke of each dawning day
Smiling wearily at cosmic dice-roll of fate,
What strange augurs can come who can say,
We only pray all these leads to Thy gate.