

Published on January 17, 2021




A surreal silence rises in inner terrains,
Only remain echoes of a dying clamour,
Strange result from this long endeavour.
I now survey for obvious hidden gains.

An observation cold undeceived by appearance,
The senses no more the signallers dominant.
A silence now grows the guide prominent
Leading to apt action in most daily hours.

The heart’s ocean no more sullied by storms,
The rude winds of passion are all quelled.
In the deeps mightier heavings are birthed
Summoning hero-thoughts, broodings of sages.

Upon placid waters of mind reflecting fall
The faint trace of many a revealing sun,
Dispassionate contemplation of musing moon
And sole mounting flame of aspiration’s call.

The will stands cleaved from coarse desire,
A gory spectacle it is of blood and sinew.
By an askesis habit it gains a sanction new
To wear a body formed of that Agni’s fire.

Such are the fruits that issue in one
Under the radiant auspices of a divine Sun.

To all pathfinder-seers of Yoga’s road
I offer obeisance by an endless gratitude.