Herald Golden


Published on August 1, 2020

Herald Golden

Herald Golden


A wide rapid dawn of a young Sun,
Earth sheds her gloomy garment of night,
A blush red-rose spreads on skies,
Ocean waves roll and tease patient shores,
Joy’s nimble feet leaps across hearts,
Its each step births a red bud of love;
Her chaste petals shielding heart close,
Awaiting her god-paramour the Sun afar
With long vigil on stem tops through night,
In his coming is her abandon
 And frenzy of ravishment by his light-rays.
Profusely pollened her bosom in love’s aftermath.
The courier bee with rapid flight collects
Her love’s nectar to distant honey fortress. 
Then a songbird from branch like castle window
Sang in stately tones-
I herald of morning Sun do decree
That sorrow and its twin pain must flee
This country of Sun from night’s clutch free,
Not tomorrow, nor ever again must they stain,
With bane of their shadow on days that remain.
Doubt henceforth shall muted be,
Voice not opinions unasked of thee.
On flowers there shall be no curfew
Or fragrance to wander from flower to dew.
Sweetness be answered by greater sweetness,
Whispers only ferry love’s too passionate notes
And banned from ferrying base rumour
Or that putrid material of bitter rancour.
Dusk and night shall hence not be born,
Sayeth I, herald golden of forever morn.