Summon Then


Published on January 6, 2021

Summon Then

Summon Then


O matter-reared frame by earth-sap nourished,
A million nerves woven to perchance capture
From wayward daily winds a bright rapture,
By what sullen knot art thou now incapacitated?

O supple-fixity, garnering habit in time aeonic,
Supplanting stony muteness with a supple cell
That cracks the silent air with a relentless will,
Thy particled-force aggregating to sublime magic.

O soul-chariot, ferrying the immortal in time,
Housing the measureless in thy breathing chalice,
Calibrating the outpour of the Force in works
To keep our turns and tunes to a sacred rhythm.

O cellular-wonder, a greater sublimity awaits thee,
A drastic curve to issue thy hidden splendour
Compelled by the slow descent of a new power,
Then thou shalt partake spirit’s endless alchemy.

Summon then O body by thy own vocabulary
The unerring grace of the silent Infinity.