Thou Art Not Won


Published on December 3, 2020

Thou Art Not Won

Thou Art Not Won


What use grappling when Thou art not won
By fine long argument or need most urgent
Of splendid gain, all argued with fine reason.
But Thou ever unyielding remainest adamant.

How long must I endure the charade,
The growing din of queries about Thee
From the milling crowd of Thy populace
Asking, ‘Is He kind, hands of easy bounty,

A benevolent heart, of easy speech
Greeting freely when He does meet?”
“Yes, yes these and more”, I reproach,
My caution clue falling on ears inept.

Bewildered then was the heart of me;
Kindness yes, of a type I don’t yet get,
Bounty too, one that I can’t get to see
And speech, a trait Thou hast forgot!

Oh what must I tell them all then
Of Thy strange quirks, stranger manners
When in expectant silence I question
How Thou dealest with our cluelessness!