Thou Art He
Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #317
Published on April 4, 2022

Thou Art He
Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #317
How lax is Thy enforcement O Keeper of the Law,
Thy fugitive in time seeks to Thee surrender
And Thou dost elude Thy duty citing some flaw
In the manner of my approach or my demeanour!
Oh surrender is surrender white flag notwithstanding,
My arms are upraised and the heart is exposed,
All gestures I have spent for Thy bargaining,
Of all that is valuable I am now emptied.
Dost Thou not recruit from the earthly bankrupt?
Am I a reed too narrow where no music doth pass,
Or the flower unscented for any worship unapt,
Oh Thou doth ignore me like a priest the lay grass!
I must remind that Thou art He who can
Turn grass blade to lightning, mould mere clay into man!