Diti and Aditi


Published on November 4, 2020

Diti and Aditi

Diti and Aditi


A Soul Brought to Heaven by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

Obeisance O Night, O Dark Womb of light,
Obscure and mysterious are thy pinings,
By thy sleep are the world and its dreamings,
Clothed by the Abyss dire thou appearest.

What power resides in thy errors O Mother,
Such majesty in thy hands destroying our works,
The subtlety of twist that distorts our thoughts,
A hundred armed menace thou doth appear.

The imperial shadow of doubt thou doth cast,
Trailing our hopes like a faithful hound,
To thy lure of inertia we are forever bound,
How fiercely the ego thou doth ever protect.

In the schools of night we are graded by thee,
Thy brood prepared for a new adventure,
In foreign countries where light is forever,
Yet we shall remember thee most fondly.

Lend to us O Dire Mother thy brute felicity,
Thy adamance that brooks no weakness
And endless passion of thy deep vehemence.
These thy gifts to us cherished eternally.

Speak of us, O Dire Womb, to thy sister divine,
To Aditi who wombs the dazzling suns,
Beseech for us the favour of her many sons,
May they not deal with us as an orphan.

May the twin sisters, Diti and Aditi, foster us forever,
Through birth and death to immortality us deliver.