Mores of Men


Published on October 8, 2020

Mores of Men

Mores of Men


I break into new territory on familiar grounds,
And make new discovery in my daily rounds.
I wake before eyelids ope into bodily awareness
Swiftly dismantling night and sleep’s harness.

Telegrammed purposes arrive from a height within,
Like a programmed automaton all my actions begin.
A charter of primary aims is assigned for the day,
In their minute execution’s process is forged my way.

A new principle rules my being through the hours,
An en masse swapping is underway of older powers.
I gape helpless like an infant at most moments,
Yet suddenly become a daring sailor on soul currents.

So many mores of men are routinely shattered,
I walk free as if these norms hardly ever mattered.