Whosoever Thou Art
Published on September 16, 2020

Whosoever Thou Art
Whose knock heard I on my doors of dream,
Whose hand coloured those image’s stream,
Who loomed in rousing the waves of thought,
Who the rhythmic word secretively brought?
One light from far yonder that variedly shines
Is now caught safe within my thought bounds.
On mute pedestal of life like hardened marble
I feel the glide of power like a shaping chisel.
By a sweeping loss of lower nature I have accrued
Imperceptible gains that are impossibly improved.
All cobwebs and bugbears appalling of yesterday
Are stupefied and swept away at my visage today.
What infinite cunning commissioned this theft of me,
Stole my sundries and in lieu bestowed all that is holy.
Whosoever Thou art, god or goddess, named or nameless,
On mind and body, on life and soul, do leave Thy impress