Earth and Sky


Published on July 11, 2020

Earth and Sky

Earth and Sky


A sky-topped chamber upheld by mighty columns
By sky-bearing oaks, their heads stooped
In reverence for their lord, arms that bore
The crush of ages, breathing such air
As to lull gods in a golden ease. 
Opal walls with emerald motifs,
Delicate inlaid pearls and bright rubies,
Radiant gems as from a Yaksha’s horde.
Eager streams that scurried in search,
Behind each pebble for what it knew not.
Birds like scouts overhead and on treetops,
Keen-eyed sentinels armed with talons. 
A tapestry of ferns in delicate green lines,
And ivy clinging lovely, like a coy damsel
Upon proud war-bruised shoulders of a hero,
On ragged trunk linked inextricably in love.
Rocks like mute shrines earth forgot,
Ragged cliff walls gazing on oceans,
Restless waves ruing some old agony,
Creatures strange of ocean deeps,
Peering, leaping into nether world of air.
Deep woods murmuring with strange calls,
Voicing rumours from bowels of earth
Or dumbly repeating a litany of seers. 
Each nook was an ode to mystery.
The passion heat of sky in thunder released,
Showering earth with fresh love’s dews,
Damp soil mutely smiling at lover sky.
Sister rivers that run from mountain homes,
Their proud laughter in the ravine’s fall,
Tresses of foam and an aura of vapour,
Rushing to plains ringing liquid anklets,
Earth smiles in green to their courses,
As does a home when its goddess arrives.
By her waters congregate colonies of men.
Contented reposed mother earth and father sky.