The Poise of Savitri

Published on July 8, 2020

The Poise of Savitri

The Poise of Savitri


Courtesy Priti Ghosh

In the folds of Kali a great miracle
Between covers of a book a spectacle.
Vyasa’s kernel lifted to empyrean heights,
A lore of Vedic mint and superhuman mights;
A seeming tragedy of man and death,
Of blind mind exiled to ignorance’s depth,
Divine minstrels heralding covert destiny,
Kingly askesis force conquering proudly
Soul continents and spirit heavens, for earth
Wheeling through space chased by death.
The august boon of the divine Sun,
To save by his Word destiny of man.
Then the great foe, the dark necessity
Of end for that which begins in travesty,
A compulsion to close all that is half-done,
A recoiling Nay for all not by God begun.
Clash of immutable force and immobile death
Ranging through earth and abyss sans breath.
The victor Word emerging with soul for prize,
Clambering to earth a dawn, a divine sunrise.
This the mighty seed that Seer vision gazed,
Resolved his multitudinous ascent to record,
In the plots and scenes of this richly tiny tale,
A map of consciousness and force to impel.

Note: An experimental evolving verse on Savitri. Will be continued.

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