Published on September 30, 2019

A Sonnet
The Mother
One day a javelin-force pierced my skull,
In a moment’s sting of light threw all lull.
My physical brain the force did enter,
There made a station as my mind’s center.
Further the javelin travelled to murky vital,
The seat and empire of this passionate mortal.
Like a surgeon it went about its task,
Only a few impulses survive in my hollowed bark.
The javelin entered my physical by stealth,
All then was alarm and fear of imminent death.
All learnt gesture and speech and motion is gone,
The javelin is yet set on conquering my cell and bone.
To the lesser gods of pain and reward I turn and say,
“Behold, how my Mother has unmade all that was me!”
Note: Offered to the Divine Mother, on Day 2 of Navaratri 2019, by Kali’s Brood and Murli R.
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