Mother Durga

Published on October 19, 2018

Mother Durga

Mother Durga

A Sonnet

Mother Durga

When this spell, since beyond Time began?
Whereof this tinge, every speck of expanse does span?
To what extremities this unending Night
A grim procession without end in sight.

What demi-urge darkly brooding made
This oppressive all negating somber shade?
Here is gluttony of woe and pitiful wails
Overwhelmed hope by dark despair fails.

Faith yields to Titan’s daily material proof
Submits aching to the stamp of his hoof.
From this oblivion’s dungeon rises then
An almighty urge barely feeble to the One.

“O Mother Durga, Rider of Force, Fount of Power
The Night is grim, slay the Titan, for Thy children conquer”