Mother of Light

A Sonnet

Published on October 11, 2018

Mother of Light

Mother of Light

A Sonnet

Kāli — courtesy

Mother of Light, O Imperial Might
All does exist by Thy saving sight.
All life’s grooves are made by Thee
All light and colour are only Thy emissary.

Mould us Mother, cast us by a divine flame
Burnish our aspiration, remove all that is tame.
Mount us on on a steed of Power
May we scale all heights and not cower.

A supernal Sun as mind, a ceaseless gale for breath
Wake ever in our cells and transmute every death.
No doubt tinged thought, or dubious echoed act 
Only the free splendour that Thou can wrought.

Yet what worth are deeds and becomings below
For our every cry of ‘Mā’, Thou slayest every foe.

PS: Offering to the Divine Mother, on day 2 of Navratri 2018