Make Do Henceforth

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master #374

Published on June 6, 2022

Make Do Henceforth

Make Do Henceforth

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master #374

Make do henceforth with broken melodies
Stitched from wasted notes of my heart,
For offering henceforth only tattered flowers
Gathered from wayside of my lonely route.

Verses pale that lack one redeeming trait,
Sans subtle meaning or wide swaying rhyme
The lacklustre words like what Thou dost admit
To my person in this Thy deplorable scheme.

Thou wilt admit no censure nor my appeal
Cast am I as a bondslave only for sore labour,
With recompense of stale bread and gruel
Forfeiting common joys of natural order.

Bask in Thy dawns, sponge every ray of glory,
I shall fester here in this twilight twisted and gory.