Parable For Caution

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #353

Published on May 10, 2022

Parable For Caution

Parable For Caution

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #353

The boulder hours we roll up the steep
Of a punishing incline on a recurring day,
Meaning and purpose eludes the grasp,
Yet must we pursue this futile way.

A precipice here and a ravine there
Greet us with their sardonic smile,
This daily hill is seeded with despair
Yet must we scale this wall of peril.

Thy words stand as a banner of hope
In our solitary venture’s unending cycle,
Through fate and fall and mishap
We must claw our way to the pinnacle.

Oh consign us not to an end Sisyphean,
Make not our lives a parable for caution.