Thy Purpose

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #349

Published on May 6, 2022

Thy Purpose

Thy Purpose

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #349

Am I Thy chalice where are mixed brews strange,
A cask of ignorance and a barrel of inconscience
Churned by flames of a sloth-fire that doth purge
Every agency of being and their semblance?

What dire rite is enacted in these moments
Where the sacred and the profane coexist,
Who lit in me this bonfire of conceptions
That gorges on all leaving mere ether and dust?

Am I the beginning of some yagña new,
A formula too cumbersome for god and demon,
Thou the priest and I Thy altar-pit shallow
With only Thy incantations for companion?

Leave not Thy aims in me only half-done,
I submit my whole for Thy purpose to be won.