Companion Me

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #334

Published on April 21, 2022

Companion Me

Companion Me

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #334

A sullen reverie thrust like an unwanted gift
Brings covert projections to dream surface,
A repertoire of fears and desires to glut
By my person already satiated with sloths.

A war of inertias as at beginning of a world
When each stirring of will is painful labour,
And then for the action to be discovered 
Follows a long experiment of trial and error.

Wherein here is hid the secret knowing light 
That must my groping blindness surely lead,
Whereof this extended rule of Inconscient 
When I must be rightly in Thy arms held?!

Wilt Thou allow me a little light’s leeway,
Companion me with Thy illumining ray?