Only Recover

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #309

Published on March 27, 2022

Only Recover

Only Recover

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #309

Oh snuff not the voices of Thy errant sons,
Thy brood reckless who never knew caution,
They who walk behind Thee through the ages,
A form and force of Thee and Thy intention.

Who shall dare to bear Thy lofty word,
Like a fire it burns unworthy lips and throats,
To minds unsupple it’s opaque and closed,
From the puerile safe are Thy secrets.

Who shall offer Thee gaunt worship,
Or deeds that shrink the will of gods?
Who shall bear Thee odes on lip
Through storm and gale and pestilence?!

Mighty sons hast Thou by will borne,
Only recover Thy fatherhood in the coming morn.