This Scene

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #286

Published on March 4, 2022

This Scene

This Scene

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #286

A white shore on a lonely coast and a serene dusk,
An assuaged fiery sphere pacified to a calm glow,
Encamped with Thee whom my heart doth seek,
Then shall this turbulence into a harmony grow.

Oh I shall unlearn then this dialect of tears,
We shall banish twixt us woe’s vocabulary
And build from Thy rainbow new living words,
Each a new-birthed living shining deity.

Music we shall make to heal wounds of memory,
Raise ode-monuments for all that has fallen,
Seed a bounty of light for future’s discovery 
And to our shore-bound encampment return.

Then when all stands done Thou shalt speak
Why Thou didst cast me into this scene so bleak.