Thy Truth, Thy Falsity

Sonnet-An Invocation to the Master #265

Published on February 11, 2022

Thy Truth, Thy Falsity

Thy Truth, Thy Falsity

Sonnet-An Invocation to the Master #265

How many gates hast Thou devised
To shield Thyself from my adoration,
How many veils hast Thou donned
To secure Thyself from being won?

It’s said a leaf or flower pleases Thee
When offered by heart’s devotion,
I offered whole this being of me
Yet Thou grantest me no inclination.

Am no flower with untainted hue
Or a leaf pure in pristine green,
From time’s gutter I gaze at Thy blue
Dreaming the mire is all gone.

Oh at least lie that Thou lovest me,
If not Thy truth, I’ll live by Thy falsity!