Pilgrim Routes

Sonnet- An Invocation to the Master #257

Published on January 25, 2022

Pilgrim Routes

Pilgrim Routes

Sonnet- An Invocation to the Master #257

To all Thy extremities I have paid homage;
The sullen days and deplorable nights
That alternate the span of human range 
And tired trudge of the aimless hours.

The brief excursions to musing’s height
And long meandering in the abyss,
The sudden flowering of the rapt heart
And an unexpected swoon of trance.

The animal’s lust and the rare piety
Mingle in the moods of my being,
An intangible faith that rises free
With an unseen canker eating my living.

For Thee I have trod these pilgrim routes,
Thy visage in mind and Thy name on lips.