Thou Alone

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #250

Published on January 18, 2022

Thou Alone

Thou Alone

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #250

Birthmarks have I none, nor ideograms of prophecy,
No features of distinction, nor lineage of old glory,
No symbol-dreams visited my mother in sleep,
Nor heard auspicious voices profound and deep.

A commonplace birth was all my inheritance,
A dull repertoire of traits the only acquaintance,
Two score years in brooding were spent,
A handful more to run the human extent.

Then the ordained moment on a common street
When in a tome Thy blessed name I did meet,
A brief verse that lit within a hope and wonder
As does lone shining star to a forlorn sailor.

The heart grew a guide and mind subservient,
From then all winds and tides to Thee did orient.
Like a lone lark I flew through the hours
Catching each raindrop of Thy pouring graces.

How many births of mine I have yet midwifed
In hours or moments that by Thee were touched;
Change worth an age I make in a solar day,
Yet these are too little o’er Thy infinite way.

I ask Thee not for the Titan’s giant stride,
Grant only Thy pace sublime and divinely wide;
In all sounds to Thy voice only to hear
And in all forms Thy face only to appear,

Become real and tangible to my touch,
Bring Thy feet within my fingers’ reach,
Make my mind Thy light’s relay station
And my heart a sanctum for Thy habitation.

I shall pause now this artifice of words
And commune with Thee in silence,
I must attend to this life and its throes
For there too it is Thou alone who calls.