I Have Been

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #234

Published on January 1, 2022

I Have Been

I Have Been

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #234

Have I been Summoner of all Thy dawns
By a hundred bard-voices of aspiration,
Upon a cliff of night roused many fires
To forge brittle earth into Thy station.

Have I been all the Oracles vision-bound
Breathing fumes of blood and entrails,
In cavern’s hidden the mystery found
Of concordance twixt Thee and my muse.

Have I been all the Sages truth-visioned
Who unbar the last mysterious gate,
In whose speech is revealed the ground
Of Solar realms beyond time and fate.

Have I been all the Poets of musical speech
Forging words into a melody sublime
And bring infinity within human reach
In the measured beat of a rhyme.

By all I have been and all I shall be
I inch to Thy home O blessed Eternity.