Love’s Gauntlet

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #223

Published on December 21, 2021

Love’s Gauntlet

Love’s Gauntlet

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #223

What a wasteland all this appears
Since I caught a glimpse of Thee,
Like a shy smile that swiftly flees 
Into the dark of a beloved’s eye.

This sun draped world seems stark,
Drained of hues to plain appearance,
A sap bereft shrivelled emptied bark
Without Thy living light and presence.

Grow again the king of my gaze,
Receive ever my ardour’s waters,
Through clouds of human haze
Reveal unto me Thy glories.

Inescapable is the grip of Thy love’s gauntlet,
Never a prisoner with happier tears wept.