Radiant Ode

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #215

Published on December 13, 2021

Radiant Ode

Radiant Ode

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #215

How many selves do in a body hide,
Dire and dumb and naively noble,
How many kneadings to surely mould
A chalice for the true and the real?

How many beads of body yet to string
Upon the sinew of my soul immortal,
How many deeds must I yet bring
From this earth cavernous and infernal?

Where hides the gesture that’ll tie
The ends of the heights and depths,
What shall marry my earth and sky
For a raiment that Thee enrobes?

By Thy alchemy my prosaic shall change
Into a radiant ode and a clarion song.